

By capturing movement and emotion paintings are created that calm the chaos. My projects do not start with a preconceived notion about the final product, rather I let my spontaneity and emotions guide me without conscious thought. Acrylic paint is used on repurposed wood or canvas, and the resulting work is a record of how I felt as the piece was created. The painting is ever evolving from the time I start to the time the viewer puts their own feelings and thoughts to it.   

As an action painter, I am constantly searching for new and unique methods to enhance my painting process. I listen to my inner impulse; whether I use a traditional paintbrush, my hands, palette knives, charcoal, or plaster, it is in an unconventional manner.

My beginning pieces started with a range of colors but I found they were more of a distraction than an addition to the pieces. Bright yellows and deep reds have their place, but a simple stroke of a dark black leaves an impression.  The simplicity of using a single brushstroke or drippings or crisscrossing to express human spirit and nature speaks to me, and using only black and white represents how LIGHT & DARKNESS COEXIST.